Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hemoglobin Normal Level In 2 Year Old

Where I was born ... My traditions ... I was born ... My traditions ... FRESH HOMEMADE PASTA

Where traditions are born ... My ...
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In the province of Frosinone is the Ciociaria (Where I Come From), a very peculiar region that owes its name to the “ciocie”, old leather-soled stringed shoes (which I wore) used by the farmers in the old times to go to the town markets and play the “zampogna”, musical instrument made of air-filled goatskin and straws sticked into it.

Dans la   province de   Frosinone   est   la   Ciociaria   ( d'où je viens ) ,   a region very particular must its name to the " Cioce " , ; old leather shoes soled strings ( I wore ) used by farmers in the good old days ...

Supino (Lepini Mountains)

Just above the valley of Supino . On East side of the mountains Lepini , with steep limestone in .

Toward the top of the mountain ...

Supino Just Above the valley. On the eastern side of the Lepini Mountains, with steep calcareous slopes.

Supino is a commune (municipality) in the Province of Frosinone in the Italian region of Lazio, located about 70 km southeast of Rome.

The church of San Nicola, where was held my baptism...

L'église San Nicola, or held my baptism ...

Supino is a commune (municipality) in the province of Frosinone in the Italian region Lazio, located about 70 km southeast of Rome.

The streets of Supino


It paese fu Fondato, probabilmente da della profughi Ecetra destruction, a mythical city of Volsci, in medieval times. The earliest records of existence we come up area in the chronicles of Fossanova. In 1125 the castle of Supino suffered a long siege, which lasted two years, by the troops of Pope Honorius II. Previously, the local lord, Thomas Supino, had formed an alliance in 1216, with Roger Eagle, to counter its rival, the Count De Cecco. The siege, which ended with a defeat marked the passage of the fief of the powerful family of De Cecco.
Chronicles report of a nobleman from Rinaldo Supino that in 1303 he took part, with Sciarra Colonna, the famous episode of the slap of Anagni.
With the extinction of the castle from Supino passed in 1503 to Colonna. In the Baroque age was raised to Supino the beautiful parish church of Santa Maria Maggiore.


The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, ou j'ai marié but Québécoise en 2008 ...

Here I am with my wife Micheline with Don Antonio, who visited us at the restaurant ...
Don Antonio chairs the two churches mentioned above. He also celebrated our wedding in Italy, in the same church of Santa Maria Maggiore are married or my parents ...

Here I am with My wife Micheline and Don Antonio, Who visited us at o restaurant... 
He  chairs   the   two   churches   mentioned   above .   He   also celebrated   our wedding   in   Italy ,   in the   same   church   of   Santa   Maria  Maggiore  where my parents also tied the knod...

Mayor - Maire - Mayor :

Alessandro Foglietta

Foto R. Bertolassi - IZSLER

The Caciotta

Raw milk cheese, semi- hard, aged 30-35 days, with whole cow's milk.

Raw milk cheese semi - hard , Aged for 30-35 days , Produced With Whole cow's milk .

IL Timballo

photo from the web

The cup pancake (s crippelle) a recipe typical of the province of Teramo ...
there are several versions I offers you mine ...

For pancakes ( scrippelle)
eggs, flour , water and ; salt . I can not say precisely dose , I did everything by eye !

Beat eggs with flour without making lumps in adding a little water . Dough must sweat with a minimum consistency. Take nonstick skillet , anoint with the fat ham (prosciutto ) " even olive oil is fine " and when it is hot you put a ladle of batter . Turn the pan for ensuring that the entire surface is covered , when it starts to detach walls turn the pancake ( scrippelle) and continue with another ladle pulp up at the end ! The pancake (s crippelle) be fine fine and soft .

For small balls
veal and ground pork, eggs, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Make a paste with meat, eggs and bread for the meatballs as usual, except I'll make small balls ....

For the sauce I'll do something lighter a simple sauce with the bones, meat, onion, cloves, carrot and celery. Well spend it all, for it is neither yet the shadow of a bone or something!

Now I'll take 2 or 3 balls of mozzarella and cut into small neighborhoods chopped, the sauce is liquid if we can add 1 or 2 eggs and a little milk, put the meatballs in plenty of parmesan (should look like little balls of snow) make a beautiful kitchen stove to the oven. Grease pan with oil or butter and place the crepes
(s crippelle) so as to thoroughly cover the parties, they must "hold" the filling like a wall. Start making meatballs, mozzarella and sauce and cover with a layer of pancake (s crippelle) and again sauce, mozzarella, meatballs and crepe (s crippelle) ... from time to time we may add a bit of butter to give the sweetness. Continue to make layer until it reaches the edge of the pan, cover with the last pancake (s crippelle) , coloring with a little gravy, some tufts of butter and cover with foil. Now we can put it in the oven, which must be very hot, and cook for 1 hour and half covered so that it does not take too much color above and is not too dry .. . and not too much because has timbale should be tender but dry! When perfectly cooked put break, to out of the oven covered a damp cloth and the serve warm .

A Supino you can buy: chestnuts, cheeses, ricotta, copper items.
Traditional dishes are polenta, pie, pancakes and fried kid.
important events are the Feast of St. Anthony Abbot with the traditional festival of Polenta (II Sunday, January), shows the Azaleas (first Sunday in May), San Lorenzo with the watermelon festival, the festival of San Rocco with donuts and wine.


photo du web

I REMEMBER MY MOM, which carries water that way ...

I remember my mom, Who Carried water in this way ...


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